Teaching His Story


Black Robed Regiment Pastor Shares Solutions + A1 S6 C1

Black Robed Regiment Pastor Shares Solutions This week we have a special guest. John and I met Rev. Dr. Paul Michael Raymond at the Christian Education Initiative Summit a few weeks ago and were very encouraged with solutions that he and his congregation are working on. I know that as reformers, ...

What Does A1 S5 C3-4 Mean?

These clauses in the Constitution raised sincere questions about how often “time to time” should be. While Lee promoted “short, convenient periods,”(1) Madison countered that “…if the accounts of the public receipts and expenditures were to be published at short, stated periods, they would not be so full and ...

What Does A1 S5 C2 from the Constitution Mean?

  This clause empowers each House to govern itself. While one may criticize the other, they are powerless to force a change in the other House, as long as neither violates its enumerated powers of the Constitution. The Senate allows its members to filibuster; the House does not. If there is disorder ...

Want to Know What A1S5C1 Means?

 This clause empowers the House and the Senate to judge its own members as to whether the elections are constitutional, whether the returns and qualifications are according to the “chains of the Constitution”.  According to Cleon Skousen, “A state which allows a Senator or Representative to be elected by illegal procedures ...

Be Angry, but…

Parents, Pastors and Patriots, Would you like to hear one more commentary on the last debate, from a perspective that I have not yet heard? From a naive perspective it might seem she was “in control” even condescending and he was “angry”. But with just a bit of authentic fact checking, ...

What Does A1S4C2 of our Constitution Mean?

Can you imagine that our Founding Fathers, the Framers of our Constitution that has given us so much Liberty and blessings from God Almighty, were concerned that maybe Congress would not MEET each year? And now we wish they would go HOME more, mingle amongst real people so that we ...

Want to Learn Authentic American History?

Signing of the Constitution of the United States: Howard Chandler Christy Why is it critical to learn this True, Authentic American History? It is VITAL to Restoring America’s Biblical Heritage! We MUST continue to have freedom to steward our responsibility to disciple our children and equip them to disciple their children. ...

God Alone

“It Was God Alone Who Prevented the Unthinkable” ~ President Trump Would God speak to us through our president? (Dinesh D’Souza, Mike Lindell, True the Vote) After the assassination attempt, I believe He spoke three things to us: God Alone Fight Unity I’ll address these in three separate articles. In the Church we ...

America, Bless God

In the early 1600’s Christian leaders governed each colony by the Bible. The Mayflower Compact, an agreement written in 1620 by the Christian leaders of the Pilgrims to work with the sailors of the Mayflower includes: “In the name of God, Amen… by the grace of God… Having undertaken for the ...

What does A1 S4 C1 from the Constitution Mean?

What does A1 S4 C1 from the Constitution Mean? This clause was like this until 1842, when Congress created the concept of dividing the states into congressional voting districts with one Congressman per district. In 1866 Congress compelled states to meet on a certain day. This was further regulated in 1872 ...