Teaching His Story

2025: Renewing Your Mind

Foundation for American Christian Education has asked me to host a NEW course this year  and I am so excited about it. I think this is the best option that I am able to offer you- ten weeks online together learning how to think and reason Biblically, the way that our Founding Fathers did. THIS is what made America great!

Join us HERE!

2025 Q1: Live Online Course
Meets via video conferencing on Thursdays 6:00 -7:30 pm EST, from January 9 – March 13, 2025. 
For $50 you will receive Renewing the Mind in the mail and access to the ten week course. Busy? No worries; come as you are. You may be raising a family, working a full time job/business and ministering, but you will enjoy hearing an overview of the Biblical concepts and principles that empowered the Founders to pledge their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor for the holy cause of their generation. The Purpose of the course is to Renew our minds to develop our own Biblical Philosophy of Education. This affects every believer in our nation. We can search His Word, understand His Will and walk in His Way bringing prosperity and great success to our lives, families, churches and communities. This course walks you through this reflective method step-by-step.
It is time for God’s people to arise and possess the “Land” of Education once again. Let’s do it!
2025 Q2: Flexible Online Course
No specific log-in times. Work is due at the end of each week. Watch lectures and read at your own pace. March 17 – May 23, 2025
This second course is similar to the first one, but is uses the pdf of Renewing the Mind, draws from several Biblical Worldview thinkers whose recordings are on-demand in the canvas course. This course, to me, is like a 200 level version of Renewing the Mind. It helps but is not necessary to have the Q1 first. Then this one also has all the extra readings as pdf downloads so you can read them and do all the extra assignments that we skip in Q1. I will be proctoring this course this year, so reach out and ask me any questions that you have. Get equipped to put deeper revelation on developing your Biblical Philosophy of Education. Let’s be able to articulate God Almighty’s very heartbeat in Educating and discipling the next generation- those created in the very image of God! Please join us on this adventure!

Join us HERE!


A1 S8 Overview

Let’s pause in our study of the Constitution to review. There are 7 Articles. Article 1 covers the Legislative, 2 the Executive, 3 the Judicial branches of government. God says that He IS government. Isaiah 33:22 says, “For the Lord is our Judge, The Lord is our Lawgiver, The Lord is our King; He will save us!” The Framers were fine with God Almighty having Supreme authority, but knew when delegating this power to man, it must be divided with checks and balances. As Lord Acton said, “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

This is why the first Article takes up over one half of the Constitution. Anyone with law making power has incredible power that can be abused. In fact, most Americans want term limits for our Congressmen. They have not limited their power with term limits, but they did limit the president’s through the 22nd amendment. 

So the next section we will be studying is Article I, Section 8. This is where the fledgling states enumerated 20 powers to Congress. You will be fascinated and terrified, maybe at how far we have strayed from the original intent of the Constitution. We will talk about this AND how we get back to the original intent in the days and years ahead. Hope you stay with us!

To give an overview, before we get back into our clause by clause analysis, the enumerated powers of Congress are to: “tax, spend, borrow, regulate commerce, establish rules for citizenship, establish bankruptcy laws, coin and regulate the value of money, standardize weights and measures, punish counterfeiting, establish a postal system, pass copyright and patent laws, establish federal courts, punish crimes on the high seas, declare war, raise and finance armed forces, establish rules for the armed services, call up state militias, administer the seat of government, administer federal lands and pass laws to implement” these specific enumerated powers.(1)

Father God, return us to You and Your prerogative to establish Justice! In Jesus’ Name, amen.

(1) Cleon Skousen, The Making of America, p. 370.

Listen every Saturday to WCNO at 8:30 am EST at 89.9 FM.
I have learned many of these quotes from The Making of America by Cleon Skousen.        You may purchase it here.


It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1 NIV

© 2024 Mrs. Brenda MacMenamin, All Rights Reserved. Permission given to share pages and posts in entirety.

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