How Did the Framers “Ordain and Establish this Constitution”?

Where did the Framers get the audacity that as common citizens of the colonies, they had the authority to frame a form of government “Of the people, by the people and for the people”? 

The full quote referred to, was first coined by John Wycliffe in 1384 in the front of his Bible as, “The Bible is for the Government of the people, by the people and for the people.” And it is from the Bible that Christians and patriots have drawn Biblical principles of self and civil government that have increasingly afforded individual liberty. 

Moses was guided by God through his father-in-law’s advice in Exodus 18 to let the people choose men that were able, feared God, loved Truth and would not take a bribe to rule over families of 10, 50, 100 and 1000. St. Patrick used this same advice to help the king of Ireland rule justly. King Alfred read St. Patrick’s advice hundreds of years later and ruled England benevolently. He taught the barons and nobles and their children how to read the Bible then held them accountable to be honest and fair with the people or he would remove them from their positions!

In the 1200’s there was a king in England who did not fear God, this was the wicked King John Lackland. He tyrannized people and began Forest Law to prohibit the poor from hunting in “his” forest. He charged horribly high taxes and stole from the people. But God raised up a fearless pastor who knew the Mighty Deeds of God in his country. He wrote the Magna Charta. Then he rounded up the barons and nobles, who were not necessarily righteous men, but Reverend Stephen Langton used them to force this wicked king to sign it at knife point to rein him in under law, God’s law once again!

Hundreds of years later  in 1638, Reverend Thomas Hooker taught about 1000 men in Connecticut these same Biblical principles, then these colonists wrote the first state Constitution. The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut affected our national Constitution about 150 years later with its solid Biblical principles.

Father! Will You Restore America’s Biblical Heritage? 

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It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1 NIV 

© 2024 Mrs. Brenda MacMenamin, All Rights Reserved. Permission given to share pages and posts in entirety. 

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