Authentic American History
American History, if taught from original sources, is an exciting adventure for students. Learning the stories of our founding from letters, documents and biographies brings Liberty alive. This text conforms to Florida Educational Statutes (not Common Core) and will produce passionate patriotic statesmen.This American History book is different from most. It is a compilation of original documents written before the 1900’s. The reason to go back to source letters, documents, articles and publications is that America’s history began to be re-written after 1900.
There are few History texts in our public schools that site their original sources and stay close to accurate history. Authentic American History highlights the amazing ways God orchestrated to establish the United States of America. Students will see His hand in preparing people and moving through centuries and generations. They will explore the Declaration of Independence in depth and be able to clearly explain it to others.
They need to know and understand the Biblical underpinnings of their government to walk in and steward Liberty to prosper themselves and to pass freedom to those yet unborn.